To reduce the occupied disk space, executable files were compressed by the program upx.exe .
The training part of the project is based on the material studied in the school computer science course, as well as information taken from additional sources (see paragraph VI), as a result of which the following topics were identified and considered:
“Forms of thinking”, “Logical operations”, “Laws of algebra of logic”, “Logical schemes”.
At the start of the program, the student is invited to read about the scientists who have made the greatest contribution to the development of logic as a science. It is also possible to immediately start training or control testing on one of the topics presented above. In the process of studying the material, it is possible to launch training tasks, with the help of which the passed material is fixed.
When performing training tasks, the student is required to choose the most suitable of the presented answer options or, depending on the question, enter his answer in the field provided for this. Each answer can be accompanied by a comment, which contributes to a better understanding of the material.
The control test consists of 2 variants, each of which contains 5 questions with a maximum of 4 possible answers. When performing the test, you need to choose one answer option for each question. After passing the test, the test taker is assessed and a text file of the test report is generated, which is placed in the “Results” folder. The report consists of information about the test taker, the start time and duration of the test, all the questions from the test and the answers of the test taker indicating the correct answer, the number of errors and the score for the test are also indicated.
During the development of this project, programming in Borland Delphi 7 was used. The main feature of the project is the ability to change training tasks and control tests using the two service programs announced above. The principle of their work consists in forming new or changing existing files containing tasks or a test. The second feature is that in all test tasks containing logic circuits, the source data is filled with a random number generator, therefore, the tasks will always be “fresh”.