Electronic manual on the topic “Logic”

To reduce the occupied disk space, executable files were compressed by the program upx.exe .

The training part of the project is based on the material studied in the school computer science course, as well as information taken from additional sources (see paragraph VI), as a result of which the following topics were identified and considered:

“Forms of thinking”, “Logical operations”, “Laws of algebra of logic”, “Logical schemes”.

At the start of the program, the student is invited to read about the scientists […]

Features of multimedia manuals


The word “multimedia” has become popular since the 90s of the 20th century. Multimedia is a multicomponent environment that allows the use of text, graphics, video and animation. “Multimedia” means the ability to work with information in various forms, and not only in digital form, as with conventional computers. Multimedia computers allow you to play audio (music, speech, etc.), as well as video information (videos, animated films, etc.). Video effects can be represented by showing removable computer slides, cartoons, video […]

Principles of developing educational presentations in the Microsoft PowerPoint program

Microsoft PowerPoint is one of today’s most powerful applications designed for preparing and conducting presentations. Presentations can be used in the process of teaching, conducting lessons and classroom hours, etc. Presentations are an excellent means of transferring knowledge. They are much more effective than ordinary paper or electronic documents, since associative thinking is included in the process of perceiving the material.

PowerPoint is a program that allows you to get amazing results, and at the same time it is easy to […]

Operations that can be performed with diagrams.

The following operations can be performed with diagrams:

Add and delete data series using the Chart Wizard or from the chart context menu with the Source Data command. It is also possible to use a key, drag the data onto the constructed diagram with the mouse.

To change the “edit” data in the chart and on the worksheet – using the Parameter Selection tool (if the data on which the chart is built is expressed through a formula).

Rearrange the data series on […]

The use of computer programs to create multimedia manuals

The computer as a universal means of processing, storing and providing information is increasingly entering our lives. This process began not so long ago, but the pace of its spread is incredibly rapid.

In modern life, we are surrounded by a huge sea of information with geographical content – both from TV screens and in various printed publications, a large amount of information is hidden in computer networks, which can be used by a student in self-education.

The computer allows the student […]